So, you might have noticed that I haven't posted much lately. That is true, as I've been busy with things such as trying to get a job, and I've actually been working somewhere as a test run to see if they want me. That means I've had minimal time for reading or writing. Still, I have a few opinions to offer here and there, so here we go.
So hey, y'know how I was complaining about Rex Morgan arcs going on forever? Well, the one it was on when I wrote my review ended about a week or so ago, with a really poor conclusion. Then they immediately jump into another one that'll take forever involving characters I don't care about and the introduction of new ones I still won't care about. I think that I just like complaining about Rex Morgan at this point.
As for the good comic, Pearls Before Swine, I have an issue with his latest comic, involving a bike rider being a rude jerk for no reason except for apparently thinking he's better than other people because he rides a bike. As someone who enjoys bike riding and has had to deal with asshole drivers trying to force me out of the bike lane and onto the sidewalk, I have to take issue with this representation of biking. However, this is just one small issue, and it doesn't make the comic any less good just because I disagree on one issue.
So how have I been enjoying the comics I've been following? Well, let me start by saying "Wolverine and the X-Men" has been amazing. They switched artists to one I think is suited better for the comic, and the writing is always top-notch. If you like X-Men and you're not reading this, I highly recommend you start now. As for the other X-titles, Uncanny X-Men is still quite good, although this current arc doesn't interest me too much. I find it interesting how they've both recently tied in with Uncanny X-Force, another X-Men comic I really like, but I've been following it in graphic novel form, so I'm a little behind. That made it tricky for me to catch up on all the details, but it's not too great a loss.
Now let's talk Blue Beetle for a bit. I've been reading more of the previous run, before the reboot, and the more I read, the more I prefer it to the rebooted version. Personally, I don't mind how his story ties into the DC universe so tightly; my favorite parts in volume 3 involved tying in characters from other comics. Guy Gardner, Traci 13, and Eclipso added a lot of flavor to the story, and provided some of the highlights of the comic. I'll leave you with some quotes to demonstrate, and those who have read it will know what I mean: "Is. That. A. Giant. Green. Fist?" "Say 'I wish for a porsche' before it wears off!" and "I... am... A DENTIST!" It builds a good story, provides excellent character development, and ties Jaime into the DCU very nciely.
Then we have the rebooted Blue Beetle. It's similar in many ways; lots of the same characters, Jaime arguing with the Scarab, the Spanglish thrown throughout the dialogue, the same antagonists, that sort of thing. It doesn't exactly retell the same story, which is good, but it seems to be rushing through the key points while still taking more time than it should to really establish Jaime's Blue Beetle identity. It also seems to be taking a darker turn, and if future previews are to be believed, it'll soon have Jaime leaving his family and El Paso... which completely removes two of the best things about the comics. Not to mention how recent issues (SPOILERS) have caused a fair deal of trouble for Paco, and very well may have turned him into the Venom to Jaime's Spidey. Which reminds me, a friend of mine has stated his concern that they're turning Blue Beetle into DC's version of Spider-Man, and while I like Spidey, he and Blue Beetle are two different entities and should be kept that way.
Not to say I wouldn't like to see a Blue Beetle/Spider-Man crossover if DC and Marvel would ever agree to it. Cuz that would be awesome.
What else have I been reading? Well, I've been catching up on The Dresden Files. I recently finished Fool Moon, which I feel was weaker than the previous one, but definitely kept things tense and interesting. I have a feeling the author liked to mention when a woman was naked just a little much. However, I'm not going to review something published that long ago in the series, so my actual Dresden reviews will be reserved for when I'm caught up to speed.
I've also started reading a few other things. Game of Thrones I plan to read before watching the TV show (taking it one book at a time, of course), then I've been meaning to read The Princess Bride, since any friends of mine know I love the movie. I've also started on the webcomic Girl Genius (I know, what took me so long?) but I haven't gotten far enough to make any solid statements about it.
I guess at this point I'm not sure what I'll review next, so I'm open to suggestions. I've been short on time, but I still want to keep this blog active, and I'd like some input. So until next time, this has been whatever I read.
I might give Wolverine and the X-men a go I think. I've always been wary of Marvel comics because of the continuity weights, and their tendency to wangst (and also to have Captain No Personality Whatsoever be the lead X-Man, you know who I mean). However if this is sort of an in-continuity reboot I'll give it a go.
ReplyDeleteHey, have you tried a webcomic called Exiern btw? I find it rather fun, despite it changing art styles all the time (the writer has commissioned various artists over the years) and the OTT fanservice (because although the main strip is no worse than most mainstream output, it does sell "uncensored strips", where basically the word balloons and surviving scraps of costume are strategically moved).
A little background knowledge might be useful for WatXM, but I can sum it up for you quickly: Wolverine and Cyclops split the team in Schism, Wolvie's started a new school, Quire is a pink-haired wannabe-revolutionary, Idie thinks she's a monster, more various mutants are there as well. There we go, you're now caught up to speed and ready to start reading. There's minimal wangst, and no Cyclops.
DeleteI haven't read Exiern, but I'll be sure to check it out. I glanced over the TV Tropes page, and it looks interesting.
Good luck with that Game of Thrones, man. That will take you FOREVER! It's long and detailed, but awesome!